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i meant that word LOVE
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you ever choose to indulge in a day-to-day chore or a mundane hobby
over having sex with your partner, you need to give it a serious
The idea of séxual intimacy changes all the time for us.
At one point in life, we’re craving for it.
And at another point, we’re feigning headaches to avoid it.
You’d see this kind of behavior in many relationships.
At the beginning, you can’t keep your hands off your lover no matter where you are.
as the relationship grows, séx can start to feel more like a chore if
you haven’t created ways to make séx feel more éxciting.
The untold séx secrets you need to know
séx isn’t a secret. It’s natural and as humans, we’ve been doing it for
a very long time. But rewind back a few thousand years, and you’d see
that humans weren’t really monogamous.
time passed by, we’ve understood the benefits of monogamy and society
has engrained into our minds that monogamy works out better for us in
the long run.
Loneliness and lack of emotional intimacy versus lots of séx, which would you prefer?
isn’t a secret, but the ways to ensure that séx stays éxciting in a
monnogamous relationship, well, that’s definitely a secret worth
knowing, wouldn’t you say?
are some couples who always seem to have the perfect relationship with
the perfect séx life, and then, there are most others who have a really
hard time staying happy in one.
biggest séx secret you need to know is the recipe for perfect romance.
And it needs just two ingredients, unconditional love and lustful
you can truly love each other AND stay séxually attracted to each other
even after several years of marriage or dating each other, you’re
definitely in the right path.
13 séx secrets to a better séx life
in love is easy if you’re a compatible couple that understands each
other perfectly. But getting intensely attracted to each other séxually a
few years into the relationship, well, that’s definitely the hard part.
you ever choose to indulge in a day-to-day chore or a mundane hobby
over having séx with your partner, you need to give it a serious
thought. What could start off as a small excuse to avoid séx could turn
into voluntary abstinence over time.
you want to have a great séx life and keep the sizzle of séxual
attraction alive in your relationship, even years after lying in the
same bed with each other, you need to understand these 13 séx secrets.
séx secrets will help you understand what it takes to feel séxy, and
keep your partner interested in you, and give you the perfect romance
that will be envied by other couples.
#1 Séx isn’t all physical attraction but… It’s
been said that romantic séx isn’t all about physical appearances, but
we all know that good looks can increase the séx appeal by a long way.
Work out and try to look better for each other. The fitter you look, the
séxier you’d look and feel, and that’ll definitely increase your séx
appeal and make you a better lover too.
#2 Attention makes you séxy. The
more you’re admired by other members of the opposite séx, the more your
partner will séxually desire you and stay interested in you. Attention
from the opposite séx always has this effect on our partners.
a long term relationship, both partners would start to take each
other’s séx appeal for granted. After all, when something’s easily
accessible, it’s easy to overlook its value. But when your partner is
standing in a crowd and getting everyone’s attention, that’s when you’d
realize just how awesome and séxy your partner truly is.
#3 Regular séx is monnotonous séx. Séx
always gets monotonous and boring if you don’t try something new every
now and then. Séx isn’t just about penetration. It’s what you do with
each other before, during and after séx that makes lovemaking feel more
#4 Talking is séxy. When
two lovers talk about séx, it helps each other understand the other
partner’s desires and expectations better. Talking about séx even when
you’re not having séx is always great for the relationship. So don’t be a
prude, speak up and your séx will only get better.
#5 Hide your séxy bits. Don’t
be nakéd all the time in front of your partner. The more you walk
around nakéd in the bedroom when you’re not getting intimaté, the more
both of you will end up séxually desensitizéd.
you’re out at a party, and unexpectedly see a flash of your partner’s
skin, doesn’t it turn you onn? Create the same séxual éxcitement in béd.
Dress up and don’t reveal it all at once.
#6 Missionary rules. The
missionary position is the most comfortable and the most intimaté of
séx positions. Evolution has taught us to have séx while facing each
other, and that’s something very few species can do. Use it to build the
romantic connection, but every now and then, try to vary the positions.
one of you feel like a position is uncomfortable, try something else.
You never know how a new position could feel until you try something new
now and then.
#7 Séxy imagination. Whether
you accept it or not, your mind would definitely stray while having séx
with your partner. It’s obviously not easy to just stare into each
other’s eyes for a good half an hour with a blank head. Instead of
hiding your thoughts while making love, talk about it. Exploring each
other’s imagination in bed is a séxy rush that’ll make séx a lot more
éxciting and lustful.
an active imagination, read and watch porn, and talk about your
fantasies. It’ll bring back that spark you’re craving for, and each time
a fantasy gets boring, talk about something new!
#8 Séx is happiness. Having
séx regularly makes you a happy person. Just like working out or
shopping, séx too stimulatés the release of endorphins that make you
feel good about yourself. Séx can relieve a headache, eliminate stress,
and make you feel calmer and more confident at an interview. So instead
of avoiding séx when you’re stréssed, indulge in it. It’ll make you and
your partner feel better and bond better too.
#9 Men and women and the way they look at séx. Men
and women just don’t look at lovémaking the same way. Men are visual
creatures that are aroused by what they see physically, while women are
more aroused by emotional intimaacy and what they hear and feel while
making lové.
#10 Drunk séx. Intoxicaants
like alcohol can at times be the biggest aphrodisiacs. Alcohol in small
amounts reduces inhibition, which makes you open up more and feel
relaxed while getting undressed in the company of another person.
consumption in males reduces the testosterone levels which reduces
their libido proportionally to the alcohol they consume. On the other
hand, alcohol consumption increases the téstosterone levels in women.
For most women, increase in alcohol consumption creates an increase in
séxual satisfaction during orgaasms.
#11 Dress up and look séxy. Look
your best around your partner instead of dressing down in frayed
overalls all the time. If you can do that right, there’s a good chance
that your partner won’t cheat on you.
the reason why. If you find someone séxually attractive, you’d find it
very hard to lie to them or do something that may offend them. So
instead of hiring a private eye or suffocating your partner into staying
loyal to you, just ensure that your partner still finds you séxually
#12 Foréplay is a big part. The
longer the foreplay, the more intense the orgasms and the pleasure both
of you experience. So the next time both of you are under the sheets,
don’t go straight for the big act. Take your time to warm up, and the
séx will last a lot longer. And good foréplay can even help a man who’s
having a hard time staying up stay up for longer.
#13 True love doesn’t define a perfect romance. True
love is not the same as intense séxual attraction. This is the biggest
séx secret that can quash a lot of misconceptions about romantic
relationships. Experiencing true love will not give you the perfect
relationship. True love is love. But a perfect relationship needs more.
It needs love and lust to be successful.
you’re in a relationship, don’t just hold hands and walk down a street
and assume you’re in the perfect romance. Push your partner against a
wall now and then and make out too. Well, then you’d definitely have the
perfect blend of love and lust, the perfect ingredients for romantic
these 13 séx secrets and use them in your relationship. And don’t ever
let séxual intimaacy stagnaté in a relationship, because a perfect
relationship needs more than just love to stay perfect. It needs a good
dose of passionaté séx too.
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as always i love you all
i meant that word LOVE
more school form still available @ D.C.C
Contact +2348166260344 or
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